
Day #359 Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulillah, that is all I can say.

Flipping back through the pages from exactly a year ago and reading what I have been through, ... I am so grateful experiencing many things. All packed in a year of journey being thirty two. All the happiness and nemesis including  new little things I have tried, all has created a balance of who I am today.

Not to forget to be grateful for the love God has been giving me through life. Through people I love most and love me. Through remarkable friends and amazing parents. Through Malicca, who has been enlightening my path. What do I want for my birthday, someone asked. I just could not answer. I already have everything. Now is how to maintain.

I opened this blog a year ago with a picture of Lily bouquet Bubu sent me from across the sea. Let me close this blog with also a picture of Lily; Bubu bought and picked himself for me.

Thank you, for everyone of you.

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